Fleeting Swallow – Books

Artificial Intelligence

Chain of Thought Prompting

This book provides an introduction to using Chain of Thought prompting with ChatGPT 4.

What is Chain of Thought Prompting?
Chain of Thought prompting is a type of AI prompt that leads the AI through the correct thinking process to answer the question. This means that instead of assuming the AI automatically knows the best way to figure out the question, we can lead the AI through the thinking process to reach the best result.

By doing this, it is possible to get much more accurate and thorough results than is possible when simply asking an AI a question and expecting the right answer back in return.

Introduction to General Problem Solving
Before going into the details of Chain of Thought prompting, this book discusses the ways that people approach different types of problems. This provides the background needed to guide AI to use the same problem solving methods as are used by people.

Emergent Capabilities of ChatGPT
In addition to explaining methods of Chain of Thought prompting, this book showcases emergent capabilities of ChatGPT such as:

  • Using ChatGPT to perform psychoanalysis.
  • Simulating the human mind using ChatGPT.
  • A psychoanalytical product recommendation method.
  • Enhancing AI results by simulating specific areas of the mind.

The AI Revolution: Let Us Make Man

This book investigates the intersection of artificial intelligence and psychoanalysis to explore the potential of AI in simulating and understanding the human mind, and contains the following sections:

  • Section I: The book begins by laying a foundation in psychoanalytic theory, setting the stage for their integration with AI technologies.
  • Section II: The second section illustrates the practical application of AI in psychoanalysis, using detailed examples to show how AI can perform structural and transactional analysis, enhancing our understanding of human behavior and inter-personal dynamics.
  • Section III: The final section pioneers the concept of synthesizing the human mind through AI, proposing innovative methods to replicate human thought processes and emotional responses.

The AI Revolution: Let Us Make Man challenges us to reconsider the capabilities of AI and its role in advancing our understanding of the human psyche.