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Software Interfaces & Systems Thinking


This post discusses various approaches for creating a software interface, however, before considering how software modules interface with each other, it is worth considering the nature of discrete software elements in general.

As an axiomatic definition, we can state that:

Every software module is, at once, both an independent functional unit and part of a larger system.

In other words, every software component presents capabilities outwardly, while internally it manages the logic, data structures, and error handling which are needed to present its external capabilities.

Let’s drill down into what that means in practice.

Software Context and Integrity

Regardless of size or complexity, every individual software component exposes some public behavior—this is the visible set of functions or features that external consumers (end users, other subsystems, or automated scripts) can perceive and interact with.

This outward behavior might take the form of a graphical interface, an API endpoint, or a library function call, and usually determines how the software is identified: “This is a CRM,” “This is a payment processing module,” “This is a messaging service,” and so on.

Software Modules as as Independent Functional Unit

Beneath a module’s external interface lies the implementation itself: the internal code, data structures, and logical flows that carry out the real work. While the public behavior tells the outside world “what” the software does, the internal logic determines how it truly operates. Both dimensions—external interface and internal logic—define what a software module is, and how it can reliably fulfill its role.

In terms of internal logic, each software component maintains its own identity by being self-defined in terms of domain rules, data models, and error-handling. This self-definition effectively places each module at the center of its own world, focusing on the part of the system for which it is responsible.

For instance, a Billing module internally enforces payment rules, transaction validations, and ledger updates, whereas a Reporting module structures data and generates outputs in a way that suits its analytics focus.

External Definition + Internal Structure

Collectively, these two aspects—the publicly visible behavior and the self-defined internal structure—give each module a clear position within the broader software ecosystem.

A well-defined software module can present a reliable, understandable interface outwardly while still preserving the freedom to modify its internal workings, as long as the public contract remains intact.

The Interface Challenge

Modern software systems rarely exist as a single, standalone module. Instead, multiple software modules communicate with each other to achieve the desired end result.

Since the fidelity of a software module depends on the extent to which it clearly defines and controls its own internal state and domain specific logic, every time an interface is required between two or more software modules, there will inevitably be a misalignment between the way one module “sees things” (internally) and the point-of-view of the other module(s).

Subsequently we arrive at a central challenge in software systems design:

How do these individually self-defined modules communicate and collaborate without stepping on each other’s conceptual toes? 

Or, in other words:

Every software system must reconcile two seemingly contradictory paradigms:

  1. Local Domain Logic: Each subsystem or module interprets requests, data, and events through its unique lens. It has its own definitions of “valid data,” “error conditions,” and “business rules.”
  2. Broader System Perspective: In order to create synergy between the specific software modules and deliver coherent features to end users or other consumers, the overall application must ensure modules work together smoothly, avoiding conflicting assumptions or duplicated responsibilities.

This challenge must be addressed in software interfaces which define:

  • How independently defined modules agree to communicate regarding data exchange, error signaling, etc.
  • And how each service’s public behavior fits into the bigger picture.

If we consider each software module or subsystem as its own “system”, then we can refer back to the way general systems theory describes how different systems can interact, in order to understand from a high-level conceptual perspective, the different approaches we can take in designing software interfaces.

Reconciling Different System Perspectives

As explained in previous posts (Defining Truth in Systems ThinkingSystems Analysis of a Contract), when different systems interact, and each system has an internal representation of the truth which is different (or even opposite) to the other system, there are two ways in which it is possible to combine these viewpoints.

  1. Implicit: The facts, from the perspective of each system, are presented as are, without any attempt to translate the different systems’ paradigms into each other’s terms.
    In this case, the “entire truth” is implicit, or becomes self-evident, simply by the acceptance of both “truths” simultaneously.
  1. Explicit: We develop a higher-level understanding (or conceptual framework) that both systems can map to.
    The higher-level understanding actively reconciles the different viewpoints into a single, more general structure.

In other words, general systems theory posits that each system (or subsystem) has its own coherent worldview, and no single system’s vantage is either definitive or “wrong”. However, to collaborate, these differing systems must find a way to coexist without overriding each other’s internal coherence.

  • This coexistence can be accomplished passively, just by allowing each system to exist and communicate on its own terms.
  • Or it can be accomplished actively, by ascending to a higher level of abstraction which can accommodate the localised viewpoint of each system.

Two Approaches to Interfacing Software

Just as we find two approaches to allowing different systems to coexist, so too, in software terms, we can identify two basic approaches to creating an interface.
This means that in order to allow software modules, or subsystems, or systems to communicate effectively, we can take one of two paths:

  • We can allow each module’s distinct worldview to remain intact (accepting that they each have their own “truth” about data formats, domain concepts, etc.), then define a bridging mechanism (an adapter, gateway, or translation layer).
    This parallels the implicit approach in systems theory: each viewpoint stands on its own, but we let them exchange data with minimal modification to the modules themselves.
  • Or we can ascend to a vantage that is broader than any single module’s local viewpoint. In practice, this means that we define a shared model, domain-driven core, or orchestrator that each module partially adopts.
    This is the explicit approach, echoing the “higher-level understanding” in systems theory: we unify around a conceptual framework that provides a broad, abstract perspective that can accommodate the data or logic peculiar to each software component.

Below, we’ll look in more detail at these two approaches and how they shape the design of software interfaces.

Implicit (Parallel) Interface Approach

This is the “keep each paradigm intact” interface strategy. Here, the emphasis is on minimizing disruption to a subsystem’s internal logic and relying on adapters or translation layers to bridge the differences.

In simpler terms, each module maintains its own conventions, data formats, and domain-specific “truth,” while a dedicated layer handles conversions between them. This strategy aligns closely with the implicit concept in systems theory: we allow each subsystem’s vantage to exist unaltered, accepting multiple “truths” in parallel.


Under the implicit model, each subsystem preserves its local definitions, rules, and data formats. Instead of forcing a common language, specialized translation layers or adapters convert data and function calls between modules. The modules effectively talk “as themselves,” with the adapter reconciling differences.

Why It Makes Sense

Adopting this model places minimal burden on the subsystem’s core code, focusing changes on the interface boundary.
If you need to integrate only a couple of modules—or preserve a legacy subsystem that can’t be altered—this approach is often the simplest, least invasive solution.


Suppose Billing has an API method called chargeAmount(), and Reporting expects processPayment() calls.
Instead of renaming or restructuring one side to match the other, you build an adapter that receives chargeAmount() from Billing, turns it into a processPayment() call for Reporting, and sends any response back in the format Billing expects.

Pros and Cons


  • Preserves Local Autonomy: Each subsystem remains fully in control of its naming conventions, data structures, or how it calculates results.
  • Low Overhead: You don’t have to unify large parts of the codebase; you just add an adapter.


  • Translation Sprawl: As more modules appear, you might need multiple adapters, each bridging a different gap in terminology or logic. This can get unwieldy fast.
  • Inconsistent Understanding: While everything “works,” each subsystem’s language or rules remain distinct, which can cause confusion if the adapters are not well-documented or if you need a consistent view of the data across the entire application.

When to Use

This strategy is good for small-scale integrations, particularly if one or two modules must be stitched together quickly, and is often the go-to for legacy compatibility (where rewriting an older subsystem is impractical).


Explicit (Elevated) Interface Approach

This is the “ascend to a higher abstraction” interface strategy. Here, we create a shared conceptual framework (like a canonical data model or domain-driven core) so that modules align with a single vantage for data and operations, rather than directly translating among themselves.

In practice, each subsystem still retains its internal logic, but it adapts that logic to a larger vantage—the overarching conceptual model. This parallels the explicit approach in systems theory, where we synthesize a unified perspective that reconciles all local definitions at a higher level of abstraction.


By introducing a central reference, each subsystem “speaks” to this abstraction rather than one another’s native formats. This can reduce confusion and friction across the organization, as everyone references the same conceptual definitions.

Why It Makes Sense

A single unified vantage fosters consistency across large, complex systems. Rather than building a patchwork of adapters for each pair of modules, you maintain a single shared language. This approach typically works best if your software ecosystem is extensive, or if you aim to evolve the system while preserving coherent data definitions.


Consider an Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) with a canonical “Order” object.
Billing may map priceInCents and discountValue to a standardized structure, while Reporting maps totalPrice and rebate. The ESB ensures a seamless flow so that each subsystem interprets “Order” in the same fundamental way.

Pros and Cons


  • Unified Data View: Everyone uses the same concepts, so it’s easier to reason about the flow of data across modules.
  • Better for Growth: As new modules come online, they just plug into the shared model rather than requiring yet another custom adapter with every existing service.


  • Higher Initial Investment: Defining, maintaining, and versioning a canonical model or domain-driven core can be complex.
  • Ripple Effects: A change in the shared abstraction can force updates across all modules that rely on it, leading to broad system-wide changes.

When to Use

This method suits large, intricate environments such as microservices architectures. It also pays off when you expect your system to evolve substantially, and you need to keep conceptual definitions aligned over time.


Mapping Classical Interfacing Patterns to System Theory

Below is a table that connects common interfacing patterns from software architecture to the theoretical approaches described earlier.
The examples illustrate how each pattern either keeps each system’s local paradigm intact (implicit/parallel) or employs a more general vantage (explicit/elevated).

Interface Pattern Systems-Theory Approach Example Notes
Direct “Local Terms” Exchange Keep Each Subsystem’s Paradigm Intact (Implicit) Scripting two microservices to talk via domain-laden JSON Each side sees its own viewpoint as primary; the interface simply passes fields. A translator or adapter might do minimal rewriting.
Gateway or Adapter “on the Fly” Keep Each Subsystem’s Paradigm Intact (Implicit) An “Adapter” service between Domain A and Domain B Each side’s rules remain distinct; the adapter transforms requests and responses. Commonly found in “API Gateway + internal microservices” setups.
Shared Data Model / “Unifying Abstraction” Ascend to a Higher Abstraction (Explicit) Enterprise bus with a “canonical order” object for all modules Local illusions (subsystems’ data) are re-expressed in the canonical model, then re-labeled for each receiving system.
Domain-Driven Core Ascend to a Higher Abstraction (Explicit) In DDD (Domain-Driven Design), define a “Ubiquitous Language” Each bounded context has local definitions mapped into the shared domain concepts. A synergy vantage emerges from the ubiquitous language.
Mediator or Orchestrator Ascend to a Higher Abstraction (Explicit) A workflow engine that manages multiple subsystems. Logic is centralized; the orchestrator holds the “larger vantage,” guiding how each subsystem’s data and functions form a bigger workflow.

Choosing Between Approaches

Recognizing each software module as an independent system clarifies why bridging them effectively must follow one of two major paths:

  • Parallel (Implicit) – Every module retains its worldview, and a translator or adapter resolves differences.
  • Elevated (Explicit) – A more general model stands above the modules, with each conforming to that model at the boundary.

Neither approach is inherently “better”; instead, the optimal choice depends on factors like how many modules you need to integrate, how often they change, and whether you desire a coherent, enterprise-wide view of data. Smaller or more static clusters of modules might benefit from parallel bridging, while larger or evolving ecosystems may favor the structure of a higher vantage.

Ultimately, designing interfaces involves translating local definitions (the parallel approach) or unifying them under a shared abstraction (the elevated approach). The goal isn’t about choosing one subsystem as having the “right perspective,” but rather the goal is to reconcile multiple valid perspectives so the system as a whole remains coherent, robust, and maintainable.

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